At JPMorgan Chase & Co., it’s a long-held belief that diversity is the currency by which we all grow strong. For decades, this ethos has been reflected in a substantial financial commitment—yet their Global Supplier Diversity did not have an overarching story that reflected their forward-looking vision. They needed an all-encompassing theme that put forward a compelling promise.
Event Booth Background

OIC conducted a deep inquiry with key stakeholders, studied the proof points, and began to see something rich beneath the numbers: JPMorgan Chase & Co. wasn’t content to recount their accomplishments. They wanted a clarion call to inspire conversation. Like Global Supplier Diversity itself, the theme would have to bring energy to a wide variety of situations and audiences.
Event Buck Slip

The theme which eventually emerged cast a vision where no one is left behind: Every One. At its most quintessential, the new branding inspired OIC and JPMorgan Chase & Co. to create something more than a booth—an immersive gathering place where conversations can go deep. As the Global Supplier Diversity team engaged partners in this setting, the power of the theme was realized: Every One is imperative and Every One matters.
The new branding has been well-received within the diversity community and management, while the gathering place has engendered conversations and furthered the bank’s objectives and goals. We hope that Every One will continue to be, like JPMorgan Chase & Co. itself, a standard bearer of inclusion and diversity.
Gold Supplier Program Brochure

Gold Supplier Program Stationery Design